Simple Sewn Canvas Bunting

If some projects are like the flavors in a recipe, then this one is vanilla. It’s not a jump in your face and shout “FIRE” kind of spice, it’s more of a “mmm… that’s good” kind of flavoring. Need something for a birthday party? This works. Want something to draw attention to your garage sale? This’ll do it. Need a little room confetti? Absolutely, this works for that too. Here’s a super simple sewn canvas bunting for all occasions!

Like a blank canvas to create with.

I’ve found it’s one of those projects I reach for over and over again because it is so simple to make and there are a million ways to customize the end result. Use different fabrics, vary the colors of string or thread, maybe add some silhouetted shapes or letters and its a totally new project every time.

YouTube video

Simple Sewn Canvas Bunting

Tools and Supplies

FYI: To make this experience as easy for you as possible I did create affiliate links for some of the above products. They are either exactly what I used or as close as possible. However, they may not be the cheapest way to purchase the product. I always recommend you check your closest craft stores because you can usually use a coupon, and hey- they’re local. But for ease of purchase it’s hard to beat Amazon; and if you do use the links, I get a small percentage (that helps me buy more supplies too!).


Step One: Cut the fabric into strips

Using the cutting mat and ruler lay out the fabric. The canvas is usually doubled over, keep it that way and cut 12” strips. 

Step Two: Cut the fabric into triangles

Stack a few of the doubled over strips and using your ruler, cut diagonal lines that are 6” apart starting at top left corner. Then position your ruler diagonally so that you cut 6” strips connecting the bottom right of one strip and the top left corner of the next. Then, cut straight across the the middle to create triangles. Below is a Pro Tip video that will show the super easy quick way of how to make those triangles.

Step Three: Sew your bunting.

Set up your sewing machine with appropriate thread. Measure out 6” or so of the jute to hang banner and then place the jute across top of one of your canvas triangles. Then place under your sewing machine’s foot with triangle tip to left. Hold jute somewhat taut and vertical to machine.

Using the zig zag stitch, start to sew and then do quick reverse stitch across the jute thread and on top of triangle. Once you reach edge, go ahead and continue to stitch across jute for 1/2” or so and then feed the second triangle. Continue to add triangles until the bunting is the length desired. 

Step Four: Finishing up the bunting.

When you finish stitching the last triangle reverse stitch quickly at edge. Measure out an extra length of jute that corresponds with extra length at beginning. Then use scissors to cut jute and trim thread ends. 

How to Sew a Simple Canvas Bunting- DIY Fabric Craft for Beginners | tutorial | sewing hack | party decor | diy party | drop cloth | project | jute twine | easy | super easy
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Cute pic of the bunting with pom pom yarn on railing.

Pro Tip: It looks super cute to add a little decorative jute bow between the bunting triangles every once in a while, as well as at each end. You can also add stenciled images, iron on images, or fabric appliqués to embellish your bunting. 

For more inspiration…

For MORE sewing inspiration check out my DIY Sewing board and my Crafts to Make and Sell Pinterest boards!

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