Free Procreate Brush for Stickers

Do you make your own stickers in Procreate?

I tried it for the first time a little over a year ago. I’d heard it was easy and simple so I gave it a whirl and fell in love with how fun and SIMPLE creating stickers in Procreate is.

Gnome stickers, Planner Stickers, Labels, Christmas stickers, Cricut Themed Stickers…

OH MY GOSH. It’s a little addictive- even if you aren’t a child of the ’70’s or ’80’s who traded stickers like currency in elementary school way back when.

Because I was making SO many stickers, I kind of figured out some tips and tricks that make it better and easier. And one of the things that made it much easier was this Procreate Sticker Border Brush that I designed.

This Custom Designed Procreate Brush is PERFECT for Stickers because…

  • It’s got a hard edge so that there aren’t extra pixels to clean up.
  • It’s streamlined to add a natural, fluid look to your sticker borders.
  • And it’s completely solid and monoline so that you can create solid shapes easily. Just outline your image and then color drop inside.

Tip- I use this brush as my eraser brush too!

Why You Should Grab this Free Brush…

Even if you’re using the new cool method for adding borders in this post, having this brush will make the final detailing simple and professional.

And I’m happy to make this brush FREE for my email subscribers. Just sign up below, and be sure to grab the other free Procreate stamp sets and palettes you’ll find in the Free Creative Resource Library!

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