Cricut vs. Amazon Black Friday Throw Down + More Deals (2021)

It’s the unofficial start to the holiday shopping season and you’re probably getting a TON of emails about all the Black Friday deals. I wanted to send out an email with everything but decided that a blog post would work better. And I could update it more easily too! So here you go, in one ultra-convenient place- ALL the BEST Black Friday crafting deals for sublimation, Apple Pencils, digital marketplaces, AND our featured event, the Cricut vs. Amazon Black Friday Throwdown!

Are You Ready to Rumble?

Black Friday may no longer be the full contact sport that it has been in years past but it still has its moments. And it’s kind of nice that so much can be done online now. I’ll also be able to update these over the next few days as things change.

But on my computer right now, I’ve got windows open for both the Cricut Black Friday deals and the Amazon Black Friday Deals.

I’ve been clicking back and forth between the two, checking the deals. And here’s where we stand with the Main Event…

Cricut vs. Amazon Black Friday Throwdown

Black Friday Match UpAmazon Black Friday DealCricut Black Friday DealThe Winner!
Cricut Easy Press 2 9″ x 9″ $99$99.00Too close to call*
Cricut Easy Press 12″ x 10″$149$149.99Too close to call*
Cricut Easy Press Mini$48.40$49.99Amazon!
Cricut JoyNot Available for BF$129.99 (lowest I’ve seen)Cricut by default
Cricut Explore Air 2$280 (not a BF deal)$149.99Cricut by a HUGE margin!
Cricut Maker$229.$229.99*Spoiler Alert- See below for extra 10% off Cricut $
Cricut Mug PressAdded- $179$179.99Tie
Cricut Infusible Ink (full size)$10.50$6.50Cricut!
Cricut Infusible Ink (Joy size)$3.35 (not BF deal)$3.50🤷🏼‍♀️
See the links to both Amazon and Cricut BF deals below for super up-to-the-minute results

This post does contain affiliate links. This means that if you make a purchase through a link on this page, I may get a small commission. Thank you.

Some Deciding Factors 

Here are some things to keep in mind as you decide… 

1) Do you have Cricut Access*? If you have this $9.99 monthly subscription plan for Cricut Access, you get a 10% ADDITIONAL discount on all purchases made through up to a $50 discount (including machines). And if you purchase the premium Cricut Access plan you also get an extra 20% off materials (on top of their BF 50% off), plus free shipping anytime on anything over $50.

2) Do you have Amazon Prime? Usually that’s a deciding factor because of the shipping costs, but right now Cricut is offering free shipping on all orders with no code necessary making this not a factor right now. (Smart, Cricut. Very smart.)

3) How do you do with Customer Service? One thing I found out this year, is that if I purchase direct from the Cricut website then they have my purchase on record. When my Easy Press 2 started to give me an error code 5 mos. after I purchased it, this record made it easy to get the return started.

So Who Wins the Amazon vs. Cricut Throwdown?

You do!!! Whether you decide to purchase from Amazon or Cricut this Black Friday season you’ll get a pretty sweet deal.

Again, To get ALL the Cricut Black Friday Deals go here.

For ALL the Amazon Black Friday Deals as they’re updated go here.

Other Great Black Friday Deals

And that’s pretty awesome. But Black Friday has more fab deals than just these!

Cosmos Inks– Get 33% off site wide for Black Friday. I recommend their sublimation inks in this post. 

Design Bundles- They’re doing their Ultimate $1 Event starting November 26th! Did you know if you go put stuff in your cart now that you’ve basically reserved what you want? I didn’t! 

The Hungry JPeg- Use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY2021 for 20% off their entire site.

Michaels- This is where to go for the best deal on the Cricut Explore Air 2 right now. They have it as an online deal for $139! That’s $10 less than Cricut has it for. But remember, that if you’re a Cricut Access member you can get it for cheaper.

More Deals on Amazon

Amazon ALSO has the Apple Pencil on sale. The Gen 2 for $99.99 and the Gen 1 Apple Pencil for $79.99

And how cute are these infusible ink transfer sheets? They’re a off brand but I’m totally going to try some of these cute patterns!

Off brand Infusible Ink sheets

PYD Life- One of my favorite sources for Sublimation Blanks has a bunch of Black Friday deals no Amazon that. you can see here. Totally going to pick up the glitter tumblers!

glitter tumblers for Cricut Mug Press
On Sale for Black Friday!

I hope you enjoyed this first Black Friday Cricut vs. Amazon Throwdown– and I’ll keep an eye out for other deals too!

Love this? Share it!

If you found this helpful, or funny, or both (and would like to share the link) I’ve got your social media hookups below! And if you’ve found some awesome deals I’d LOVE to have you share them in the comments.

Thanks for Reading,

4 thoughts on “Cricut vs. Amazon Black Friday Throw Down + More Deals (2021)”

  1. Thanks for having our backs, Jen! I’m so glad you had fun with your family today, I did as well. My sister is in town from CA, staying at my brother’s house (the one we grew up in) so we’re going to have extended family time. YAY!

    1. Hey Vicki! Thanks for the comment for you and I am SO HAPPY you’re getting time with family! I hope it’s a fabulous time!

  2. I’m definitely excited to try that off brand infusible ink. Those marbles look great and I used your idea to infuse my metal signs before I engrave. Fingers crossed it works out. Thanks for finding all the great deals. Especially as it is gift making season! Happy Craftmas

  3. Yay!!! I have the marble set on order too! It looks just gorgeous with the gold streaking through it. Thanks for the comment and Merry Craftmas to you too!!!

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