Belt Creek with the Attitude for adventure free quote files. | Make adventure themed wall art | Create with this FREE SVG and PDF files.

An Attitude for Adventure Quote- Free Download

We’re road tripping this week in Montana. It’s a summer adventure, and I LOVE the opportunity to travel to someplace I know and love. But travel isn’t always easy. I could give you story after story where something went wrong while we were away from home. It’s one of those “it would be funny, but it’s kind of not” jokes in my family. Something ALWAYS goes wrong. People get hurt. The unexpected happens. There is always going to be some anxiety when we travel, but we get to choose our perspective towards it. So for those who love to travel (and craft), I have this attitude for adventure quote download to give to you. I’d love to have you grab it out of the Creative Resource Library and create something inspiring with it!

Roadside art in North Dakota | Geese in Flight sculpture in North Dakota | attitude is everything
Geese in Flight roadside art by Gary Greff off the Enchanted Highway in ND

Stay-cation or Vacation?

It’s the “whoo-hoo for adventure” type of attitude towards adventure that I grew up with. While some have to have a reason to go someplace, my family saw travel as reason enough on its own. Why travel? Because it’s travel. But maybe your attitude isn’t quite the same.

I know some of you reading this feel differently. You love being home, and are totally fine enjoying downtime right where you are. My husband and son convinced me to try Christmas break at home this year- ALL of Christmas break. As in they didn’t want to go anywhere. Fairly certain that they would cave and go crazy, I had contingency activities planned and ready. The whole experience ended up being a good lesson for me. They showed me they were perfectly happy to stay home.

What kind of adventure are you on right now?

I just asked this question on my Instagram and Facebook page this morning, and got some great responses. One reader was at home sewing pillowcases for a non-profit, and totally loving the opportunity to use her creative gifts for a great purpose. Another friend was facing her own mountain today, cleaning up after a remodel. They were choosing to see their everyday life as an adventure. What’s your answer? I’d love to know.

What are your favorite things to do when you have some time off? Are you a stay-at-home type or the go-go adventure type? Or are you a little bit of both depending on the season? Personally, although I love to travel, I do really enjoy being at home as well. Just not all the time.

Today’s Adventure

Today we’re going to revisit one of “those” memories. The infamous whitewater rafting trip of 1993. It was my first and only time riding the rapids and we were in Vail, CO. As we were suiting up in our wetsuits, it started to snow. Instead of embracing the spray each time it crashed into the raft, I was cringing away from it. Just praying it would all be over soon. Everything wet was frozen, including my hands holding the paddle. Factor in my lack of confidence around water, a flooding incident from my past and a general dislike of getting my face wet, and it was the most. Miserable. Experience. Ever. And now we’re doing it again today.

Why? We’re in Big Sky, MT and I’m with family who wants to do it. I also have a teenager who I want to have had experiences of his own, so he can decide for himself if it’s awesome or shrug-worthy.

Ready to raft down the Gallatin River. | Trying to have a positive attitude | Think positive about trying new things.
Ready for rafting?!? Geyser Whitewater Co.

I owe it all to this attitude for adventure quote.

As we were suiting up I thought of this quote.

Attitude is the difference between an ordeal and an adventure.


Then it started to rain. The start of this trip seemed eerily like the one 29 years ago. But I sent a little prayer that the rain would let up and that it would be a good experience. And it did – and it was. We had a great time. The guide was great, the kids were thrilled, and no one fell out. It was epic.

Which way would you choose? | A positive perspective shows options | Travel is not an ordeal when you think positively.
Which direction would you take?

What will you choose?

Stay-cation or vacation? I think it’s less about where you are, but what kind of attitude you have while you’re there. Home may not be restful with three kids under the age of 3. A vacation away can go sideways when you get sick unexpectedly. Or it never. Stops. Raining. Life happens whether you’re at home or away. And life is unpredictable, so choosing to have a positive attitude, regardless of where you are is huge.

An Attitude for Adventure Quote – Free SVG and PDF downloads

With this on my mind today, I thought I would post a free SVG and PDF of the quote I have pictured. I’m not sure where the quote originated, but it’s a good one. It’s also a great reminder that we get to choose not just our adventure, but we can also shape the experience.

If you would like to download this as an SVG or PDF file you can find it in my Creative Resource Library. This is where I store all my free printables, cut files, digital art, Bible journaling templates, and more. To get the super secret password, sign up below and you’ll get it instantly. Then be sure to check your inbox for more goodies from me!

Follow along on our adventure!

Blogging in Big Sky Montana. | Waking up in the mountains is good for the soul. | Attitude for adventure quote art
Mountain Morning in Big Sky- getting some blogging in before our day!

For the fun of it, I took some different pics of this quote at different places we’ve stopped on our trip this week. I used some in this post, but if you’d like to see the others, I’m posting them on social media. Will I keep my attitude for adventure positive this week? I would like to think so, but maybe carrying around this quote art will help me stay focused on the adventure if my attitude is challenged.

Creating with Purpose.

If the Geese in Flight sculpture intrigues you, here’s the cbs story behind one man’s decision to create with purpose and save a small town in rural North Dakota. Check out other similar posts in my Create with Purpose series.

For more inspiration…

If you love to travel (and are crafty) you’ll maybe want to check out my Wanderlust Travel-Themed Crafts Board on Pinterest. On it I’m collecting craft ideas including travel journals, travel inspired wall art and more. I also have a Maps Made Over Pinterest Board, featuring DIY projects using maps. Love to have you take a look! Thanks for reading this post and I would LOVE to hear from you- especially if like this attitude for adventure quote. And let me know, when you comment, what your attitude is towards whatever life it like for you right now. Have a great day!

wellcraftedtstudio | Jen Swift

Want to Remember this? Save An Attitude for Adventure Quote- Free Download Files to your FAVORITE Pinterest Board!

attitude for adventure free quote art SVG and PDF Files | Create with the Cricut | Make this sign art that is about attitudes and adventure.
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2 thoughts on “An Attitude for Adventure Quote- Free Download”

    1. It’s so true. 🙂 Thanks for the comment! I was just telling a friend how much it means to me when people interact and respond to the posts. Makes it feel less like sending things off into the void of the internet. 🙂

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