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With Creative Dreams Will You Choose Fear or Faith

Fear grounds us. It keeps us down on the ground where we’re comfortable. It tells us we might get hurt if we venture forth. That “it” won’t work, or that we’ll look ridiculous for having tried. Better not to try. Better to stay where we are, than to make the bold move forward that might result in disaster. Fear talks to us dramatically. We ask what’s the worst that can happen? We envision the worst possible scenario, with the worst possible results. Fear answers back with a vision of the Apocalypse. But really, what is the worst that can happen? Realistically. Instead of focusing on the worst possible result, imagine the best. You might fall somewhere in between, and what could you gain from trying? Or lost for having not tried? When you look at your creativity, or your creative dreams, will you choose fear or faith.

But somewhere on the journey I began to have faith.

At the times when fear threatens to influence me for the worst, I turn to faith to bring a measure of reality. Faith that my skills are there and that good will come out of the situation. Faith that I won’t jump off the cliff only to fall, and that God has a plan for me and my abilities and dreams. And faith that He will give me a desire to pursue those dreams for a reason. I might not see it, you might not see it, but that’s not to say it isn’t there. 

What made me finally pick up a pencil was a need to create, a desire to be used by God, and the knowledge that if there was one thing I had always been good at – it was art.

I needed to reconnect with the part of me that had known I could do this. The part that had done it and loved it. That had known that this is one of the reasons I was created. Because I started with small steps, with just a pencil and paper, I started to fly. I embraced who God made me to be. I started a blog and an Etsy shop, I began to write for magazines, I published a book, and I became the product development director for a non-profit creativity ministry.

Today I’m experiencing fear again.

Fear that no one will connect with these words, and that I’m reaching for something unattainable or something that’s not meant for me. Fear that I’ll wander from God’s plan and pursue my own plan, or that the money and time I’m investing in this will prove to be for not. It plays on our insecurities and loves to taunt us, to tell us how big the failure can be.

At the times when fear threatens to influence me for the worst, I turn to faith to bring a measure of reality.

How to overcome

I rely on Bible study, on words of encouragement from my friends, and on the support of my family, because they believe in me.

But also on the knowledge that I’ve been here before, and that by making myself available to God and His plan He will use me. He created me, and He has intended a purpose for me.

I’m choosing to rely on faith that I’m doing His will and am pursuing His plan for me. Faith fights fear and strips it of its power to whisper lies. Faith speaks truth.

So I stand here again, afraid, but ready to fly.

You Choose

What about you? Is there a direction in your life that you feel called to pursue but are afraid? When you think about your creative dreams, will you choose fear or faith? I’d love to know that you’re thinking on this. That maybe these words that I wrote in faith are encouraging you. If so, please leave a comment here or on my facebook page!

wellcraftedtstudio | Jen Swift

3 thoughts on “With Creative Dreams Will You Choose Fear or Faith”

  1. Jennifer Swift

    Life is just hard sometimes. When it gets easy again we feel like we’ve moved through whatever valley we were in and everything will come easier from here on out. So I think we’re hit doubly as hard when we reach another valley. It wasn’t supposed to happen again. I went through my trials. But we’re told straight up in the Bible that there will be always be another valley in this life. But that we’ve been given everything we need to keep moving forward, and that some day we’ll reach the next life, where there won’t be any more trials- only tribulations. We just need to have faith and keep walking.

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