bible art journaling template colored to insert in your Bible

Quick Start Guide for Your Bible Art Journaling Adventure

With Bible Art Journaling you can look at all the super cool inspiration photos; and without knowing how it’s done, it can get really overwhelming- really fast. But like many things in life; knowing the steps you take to get there can really make the crazy impossible- possible. So to help you get over the “just begin” hurdle, I created a Quick Start Guide to Bible Art Journaling that will give you 8 simple steps that will help you begin your Bible Art Journaling Adventure with confidence. It may seem a little counterintuitive, but it does this by helping you focus on the process instead of just the progress. Because as cool as the final result is, the time you spend in your Bible and with God is really the biggest benefit of the experience.

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Get the Information

Back in third or fourth grade one of the assignments in my Language class was to write to a city’s tourism bureau and request tourism information. I think I wrote to every destination I could imagine. I would get a packet in the mail, and then spend days pouring over the brochures, dreaming up imaginary itinerary’s, and memorizing maps. My favorite pretend trip may have been the Epcot Center at Disney World. It was new and shiny at the time, and I knew I couldn’t even imagine the coolness that awaited.

When starting any journey, it helps to know why, and it helps to know how, and it ALWAYS helps to know where.

As I was planning all my trips, I was sure that if I was ever to go, that I would need those brochures and maps; so that I would i would know how “and where, to begin. It was my start point. When starting any new venture we do the same. Looking at Pinterest, searching for blogs, and checking out the resources available; gives you a pretty good idea of what the possibilities are if you’re considering trying Bible Art Journaling. People who do it are also pretty open about what the experience has done to grow their faith, and they’ll share with you what their “why” is. My “why” and why I want so badly for you to try this is this…

Bible Art Journaling is using who you are to grow closer to who God is. You were created to create. Art Journaling in your Bible gives you a way to use your gifts and abilities to worship creatively. 

So search out the possibilities, and then see if this is something you’re interested in. Do you want to grow a more intimate relationship with God? Are you creative, and does spending time creating sound satisfying to you?

Find Your Path

If the sending off for the brochures was my start point for planning and imagining; the maps were the resource I needed to actually begin the journey.

For years we’ve lived in the same neighborhood; but it wasn’t until my son was big enough to start riding his bike that we discovered how honeycombed our area is with trails. Biking them is like entering a whole new world. It literally restores the soul. It quiets my mind, it calls my attention to the beauty of world around me, and it gives me a sense of distance from the usual busyness of my every day life. In love with what I found in my own backyard, I went to the library and got a trail map for the greater area we live in. I was a little shocked at first, at the sheer volume of possibility; but then I started to plan.

Just knowing the possibilities; and having a resource that showed me the trail heads, parking, destinations, and routes gave me the ability to plan experiences. It’s been awesome.

That’s what I want to do for you. Give you some quick little resources that will help you plan your adventure into Bible Art Journaling.

Colored template page inserted into Bible | Psalm 11 | Bible Art Journaling | faith | super simple quick start | try it | tutorial
You can do this!

FREE Quick Start Guide and Template

So as a free download, I created a Quick Start Guide to Bible Art Journaling that has 8 basic steps. It also has extra resources, like important things to keep in mind; as well as a quick list of supplies that I consider pretty basic (and another that lists the one’s I love best). These are also listed with links on my Resources page.

I also have (as a separate download), a pdf template for you to use to start with. This is the magic cheat sheet that makes starting SUPER SIMPLE.

Once I let you in on the template secret- you’re gonna open your eyes wide and go “ohhh…” and suddenly EVERYTHING will seem way more possible.

So a template in this context is just a drawing, or design, that you can just place under your bible page and trace. It works because Bible pages are usually pretty thin, and you can literally trace the image through the page. This works best when you have a wide margin Bible.

Psalm 11 margin size template
Find this FREE TEMPLATE DOWNLOAD TO PRINT OUT @ bottom of this post!

You may be wondering, now that you’re in on the secret- “Where do you get these super amazing templates?”

You can find them free in blog posts like this one. Or you can purchase them online. You can also make them yourself either freehand, or with a word processor. I included one at the bottom of this post so that you can use it with the demo in this post. I’ll also be adding several to the resource library I’m creating (coming soon!!!)

How to Start with the Bible You Have

I was wondering though, how could someone try this out without having to buy a special wide margin Bible. What’s the simplest way to start with the lowest investment needed? I LOVE problems like these. SO I took it down from 8 steps to just THREE. This is the mini quick start.

My Super Simple 3 Step Mini Quick Start Guide to Bible Art Journaling!

  1. Print out the template for Psalm 11 below by clicking on the download button and then sending it to your printer. (Or, you can save it to your files and THEN print it.)
  2. Color it with crayons, markers, colored pencils, whatever you’d like. Don’t want to buy anything? Bring it with to a restaurant and ask for the kid’s crayons and color it there. Or borrow some from your kids.
  3. Insert it into your Bible. Cut it out and fold one side under a little, then tape to page. I use a low tack tape so it’s more removable, but you can just fold it and tuck it in.

So this literally just scratches the surface of all the coolness I’d love you to have you experience. So make sure you download my FREE expanded Quick Start Guide to Bible Art Journaling below. It also has all the info on the important things to keep in mind as you start, AND my basic list of supplies to start with. Including Inktense watercolor pencils.

What do you think? Want to try it? This Super Simple 3 Step Mini Quick Start process gives you the opportunity to sample the process, and maybe fall just a little in love with the experience. And really that’s what it’s all about; using the creativity God’s gifted you with, to draw closer to him.

I’d love to know what you think, and if you try it please let me know! It would be so fun to know you were encouraged by this post to give this a shot. Also, if you have any questions, leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you with an answer if I have it. Thanks!

One more thing…For extra goodness- here’s a link to my Bible Art Journaling Ideas and Inspiration Board on Pinterest.  ‘Cause now that you’re interested, you’re going to want to see the possibilities….

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3 Simple Steps to trying Bible Art Journaling with the Bible you have | easy | christian art | quick start | guide | faith | creativity
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Free Quick Start Guide to Bible Art Journaling | 8 Steps to get started creating | faith | christian art | illustrated faith
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2 thoughts on “Quick Start Guide for Your Bible Art Journaling Adventure”

  1. I enjoyed your blog post. But I can not find a download for your Quick start guide. I have downloaded the template.
    Is it still available?


    1. Jennifer Swift

      Hi Donna! I just checked and it’s under the Post list for the Bible Art Journaling. It’s #1. Hope that helps! If you still can’t access it let me know and I’ll send it to you. Thanks! Jen

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