Enrollment Ends in...

(Enrollment closes January 26th @ 11:59 PM ET, 2024)

Have the best Time Ever Learning Procreate!

If you’re a crafter, small business owner, or creative who would like to learn how to design digitally to create custom designs to use with a cutting machine, WITHOUT the overwhelm or expense of trying learn professional design software while having FUN, then I’d love to introduce to the iPad app, Procreate in my new course, The Procreate Playbook Live Course Experience.

Oh, yeah this is going to be good!!!!

This Procreate course for crafters will walk you through the app step-by-step, and show you how to design for crafts in a fun, easy… even playful experience! We know it’s not just about demystifying the tech, but encouraging you to embrace it, and your inner creative spirit as well. So in this five-week course we’re here to support and encourage you through weekly Live Q & A’s, weekly Live Procreate-to-Project tutorials, and a private community- our Procreate Playground! By the time we’re done you will be swiping and tapping, and designing crafts like a Pro! 

Projects you can design with Procreate

Plus, I know this sounds a little extra-  but attendees have said their kids or grandkids think they’re way cooler because they know their way around Procreate! And really, who doesn’t want to seem cooler? 😉

Is this the creative adventure you've been waiting for? 🤔 Let's find out!

image of an iPad with Procreate on it

Does any of this sound like you?

Or maybe it's as simple as...

Go from overwhelmed and frustrated 😩 to designing like a pro on your iPad in JUST FIVE WEEKS!🤩

By the end of this program you will have...

Learning to draw digitally can be FUN for ANYONE!

You’re an accountant? A nurse? A grandma? A mom or dad who’s kids are better on the iPad then you are? Maybe you were the kid that doodled ALL the time, but you’ve never really done much more. Or you’re creative and  love to craft, but designing seems like it takes art skills. I’ve taught tons of people just like you to design in Procreate. 💕

POV: Learning Design Can Be Scary 😱

I get it. We have limited bandwidth and even less time in the day. Finding the energy to learn a new piece of software is more of a daydream than reality. 

But you know that if you just knew how to design your own projects, you could do some really cool projects and you’d love them even more because they’re YOURS.

You could make stickers, decals, magnets, stencils and t-shirts… all custom. All you.

But what if you try and fail? Most design software is expensive and time-consuming to learn. With Procreate, you pay a one time fee that’s under $15. And although you COULD figure it out with YouTube tutorials, I’ve got a better way…

everything in the Procreate Playbook Course


The Procreate Playbook Live Course Experience!

Designed to be SO MUCH MORE than a course- it's an experience.

Everyone who enrolls starts at the same time, and you’ll get five weeks of pre-recorded lessons, weekly LIVE Q & A’s, printable cheat sheets, a 160-page ebook, bonus brushsets, and weekly live craft tutorials that show you how easy it is to combine Procreate and Cricut. Plus, surprise bonuses just to keep it fun. 🥳

Here's what my students have to say...

Enroll Now with Three Easy Ways to Pay

Four Monthly Payments


Two Monthly Payments


One Single Payment- One and Done!


What’s inside the course?

Pre-recorded Video Lessons

Twelve modules take you through step-by-step how to use Procreate’s tools and features in short, easy-to-understand lessons. These are timed to drop weekly, which means each week you’ll get access to a few more modules so you don’t feel overwhelmed. And don’t worry about getting behind, you’ll keep your access to these once we’re done with the 5-week live experience.

Live Experiences

The excitement of live interaction will help you stay energized and inspired for the entire 5-week experience. So you’ll love our Q & A chat each week as well as a weekly Procreate Playdate– our Live craft tutorials where we combine Procreate + Cricut to make something amazing! This is going to be sooo fun and really help you see what’s possible. Missed a Live? We’ll have the replays in the course platform. 

Engaging Community

Learning and engaging with others will help you stay motivated to learn. So you’ll have access to a private FB community (our Procreate Playground!) just for THIS course where we’ll answer your questions, share tips, and basically love on you as we all take this 5-week journey together. This is also a great place to find inspiration and encourage your fellow playmates!


Of course you need some fun new brushes + stamps to play with as we create designs! So the Procreate Playbook Course comes with a an expansive brushset + palette of colors to make your play… funner (that’s totally a word, right?) Oh but wait… we have other fun bonuses that we’ll tell you more about below! And there *may* be surprise bonuses throughout the 5-weeks! Because that’s fun too!

Click the tabs below for more info on each week's modules!

This first week we’re just getting started, so we’re going to be going through basic info about Procreate and trying to get a big-picture idea of how it works before we zoom in on the different tools and features in the coming weeks. 

  • This Monday’s Mindset Training is about learning to let go of expectations and embracing childlike play, and you’ll get a free Quotes Stamp Set to help you set your intentions.
  • Modules 2-3  drop and will introduce you to Procreate, and showcase the Canvas, the Gallery, and BRUSHES! You’ll LOVE how basic this starts out.
  • Tuesday’s Playground Chat with a Q & A is the Kick Off and will feature a live drawing session. In the Q & A part I’ll answer your intro questions and we’ll just have some fun together. 
  • This week’s Procreate Playdate on Thursday night is How to Make Cards in Procreate!

In week two, we dive more into Procreate and the creative process.  Including the mindset issues that might have tripped you up in the past so that we can feel good about where we are today. It’s getting good! Here’s more on week two-

  • Monday’s Mindset Training is about enjoying and exploring your creative journey, and. you’ll love the Week Two Quotes Stamp Set.
  • Modules 4- 6 drop and will introduce you to Layers, Color and Actions in Procreate.
  • Tuesday’s Playground Chat with a Q & A will feature another live drawing session and I’ll answer your week two questions! Be sure to submit your Q’s in the Playground first!
  • This week’s Procreate Playdate on Thursday night is How to Make Family & Pet Portrait Stickers. 

Based on feedback from past attendees, we introduced a mid-experience “catch-up” week during our last launch, and it was a hit! I completely agree—it’s great to have a little breathing room to stay on track while still keeping the creative momentum going. So while there are no new modules this week, we’re keeping the energy alive with our Tuesday Live Drawing Tutorial, complete with a Q&A session!

This week we’re learning about editing tools in Procreate, as we continue to refine our abilities. We’ll also be talking about how to develop your own individual style and keep that creative flow flowing. 

  • This Monday’s Mindset Training is about cultivating creativity and inspiration, along with this week’s free Quotes Stamp Set.
  • Modules 7 – 9 drop and will introduce you to Selections, Transform, and Text in Procreate! You’ll LOVE the fun tips and tricks we explore this week. It’s getting good!
  • Tuesday’s Playground Chat with a Q & A will feature another live drawing session and I’ll answer your week two questions! Be sure to submit your Q’s in the Playground first!
  • This week’s Procreate Playdate on Thursday night is How to Print then Cut Mandala Suncatchers

Wow! Week four is the week where it all comes together but with a little extra thrown in!

  • Our last Monday Mindset Training is about creating with purpose with the Week Four Quotes Stamp Set.
  • Modules 10 – 12 drop and will introduce you to exporting from Procreate, designing for different types of craft projects, and how to combine Procreate with your Cricut! 
  • You’ll also get two BONUS workshops this week so you can learn to convert your Procreate designs into SVG files.
  • Tuesday’s final Playground Chat w/ Q & A will answer your questions and give us a chance to play together!
  • This week’s Procreate Playdate on Thursday night is a Choose Your Own Adventure where we’ll take one design and you’ll see the different tweaks you’ll need to make for 3 different projects!

When you enroll during the special limited time period you'll get the super amazing...

A $1,027. value

Plus these Bonuses to help you... (I love bonuses!)

Bonus #1- How to Convert Procreate Designs into SVG's Workshop

One question I get asked ALL>THE>TIME is how to convert Procreate Designs into SVGs. That’s because if you want to be able to create cut files to use, share, or sell or even just save them outside Cricut Design Space, you’ll want to watch this bonus workshop! 

  • Learn how to get the best trace results from your design
  • Get a basic overview of Silhouette Studio (the only graphic design program designed for crafters.)
  • Learn how to use edit points to get clean and ready-to-cut SVG files.
  • Find out how to save your design from the free version.
  • Plus, you’ll get the Scribble Flowers Brushset!

 This Bonus workshop will be unlocked with Module Twelve on Febuary 24th .

pic of the glossary cover

Bonus #2- Procreate Glossary

Honestly, I’m a little suprised no one else has written this already! If you’re new to Procreate a lot of the terms, and tools are new as well. So having a handy reference like this 20 pg. Procreate Glossary is gold 💛. Want to know what isometric or bicubic interpolation means? Who doesn’t? 😄 THAT’S why you’ll want this Glossary!

 This Bonus ebook is available instantly in the Welcome Module. 

pic of the binder binder

Bonus #3- Procreate + Cricut Printable Binder

If you’re the type that still loves paper for notes, then you’ll appreciate this handy printable resource! With a place f0r everything,  and every list. You’ll be able to keep track of your favorite brushes, fonts, tips, resources, and more. As well as find all kinds of handy printable cheatsheets from the Procreate Playbook ebook, all in one place!

 This Bonus  will be unlocked with Module 2 on January 27th.  

Bonus #4- Intro to Cricut Design Space Workshop

For those that are new to Cricut, or just want a refresher, you can check out this handy video that introduces the canvas, the toolbars, import options, and the layers in Cricut Design Space. This comes with a handy modification pdf too! 

 This Bonus workshop will be unlocked with Module Two on January 27th. 

Bonus #5- How to Make Layered Maps with Procreate & Cricut Adventure Workshop

Another exciting bonus for the course is my Layered Maps Workshop—a hands-on session where you’ll learn to create stunning custom maps in Procreate and bring them to life with Cricut or any cutting machine (even a laser cutter!).

Plus, you’ll get a custom adventure brush set packed with stamps to create maps for all kinds of journeys, from cityscapes to wilderness explorations.

 This Bonus workshop will be unlocked with Module Twelve on February 24th. 

Here's What You're Getting When You Enroll Today...

Praise from students after the Procreate Playbook Live Course Experience last February (2024)

Are you ready to join us?

Four Monthly Payments


Two Monthly Payments


One Single Payment- It’s One and Done!


What if it sounds cool, but you're just not sure this is for you? I'm glad you asked! Check out our....

Fabulous 7-Day Risk Free Money-Back Guarantee 😱

We would never want you to be unhappy! And we know that you’re taking a chance by trying something new. So this is also our “we believe in you” promise. We are CONFIDENT in our ability to help you do this, but if, after 7 days, you’re just not convinced or feeling motivated to do it, simply reach out and show us the work by February 4th, and we’ll refund your enrollment. You can contact us at help@wellcraftedstudio.com.  

And by the way, if anything ever happens during the course where you can’t continue at this time, please let me know. I’m happy to work with you to make a difficult time better. For reals. 💕

Have a question? Your answer might be below!

You don’t have to be able to draw to use Procreate! I have all kinds of tips that will help you to get great results- even if you can’t draw a straight line to save your life!

No. Procreate is an iPad app you’ll have to buy in the Apple App Store. It is currently $12.99 and has free updates. 

Once the course experience starts on February 26th you’ll have 7 days to change your mind. We’ll offer a full refund at that time. 

However, if you want to return it because you just don’t feel confident, or you need help to be successful, then please don’t hesitate to ask me questions. I want you to LOVE using Procreate with your Cricut as much as I do, and do it successfully!

Yes…. and no. Procreate IS an app only available on the iPad and iPhone. This course demonstrates with the iPad version. You don’t have to use an Apple Pencil to create in Procreate, you can use your fingers, but the experience (and your results) are better with a stylus. That being said, you can use a stylus other then an Apple Pencil. 

Check Procreate’s FAQ section to find out what stylus’ are compatible and which iPads/iPhones work with Procreate. 

This is a crafting AND a design course so we’ll be using a crafting machine (like a Cricut) that can connect to a printer for the projects. I’ll also use heat presses, but you can substitute an iron. For supplies I’m adding everything to my Amazon Shop.

You do NOT need a sublimation printer for the  projects in this course. 

It’s visual! Since the book came out I’ve heard from people that love it, but still wish they could watch me explain and demonstrate the Procreate lessons. So I listened, and have 57 bite-sized lessons that demonstrate everything about Procreate that’s in the book in easily digestible (and referenced) videos. 

Plus, because so many of us have a hard time feeling motivated on our own, I decided to add the Live elements and the community. This course is SO much bigger than the book, but there is still a LOT of great information in the book. And because I don’t teach on Cricut Design Space in depth, I decided to include the book in the course. 

The course platform login will  be sent to you via e-mail shortly after you complete your purchase. If you don’t find it in your inbox fairly soon after you pay, then you should check your SPAM filter or folder first.  

If you can’t find it there, then just e-mail us and we’ll get it all figured out for you! 

This course experience, including the downloads, pre-recorded workshops, community, live events, and bonuses will be available in Feb 2024. You will receive your log-in info then via email. 

The Course is split into 13 modules and you’ll receive access to three of them each week of the course. This means the courses will be “dripped” out to you over a period of 4 weeks so that you’re not overwhelmed. 


Good question! Because I don’t want to overwhelm you, the pre-recorded course video modules and lessons will be released three at a time each week on Monday during the 4 weeks of the Live Experience. You can see more about that in the “modules” section in the page above. 

No. The FB group is our community platform where you can ask questions, connect with your playmates, and get inspiration and encouragement. None of this is necessary to the course. All the lives are hosted on YouTube with a private link and the replays will be added to the course platform so you can watch them whenever you want. 

Yes! The course platform with all of its videos are yours to access whenever you want. That means you can go back and watch the video modules and lessons, and the  live replays whenever you want. 

No. This course is a beginner course for crafters who want to design for crafting. Procreate has a LOT more capabilities (including animation and 3d modeling) that we don’t touch on because they aren’t relevant to this course, or are not beginner-friendly. To ensure you’re successful this course has been carefully curated to give beginners what you need to learn Procreate as a design tool without feeling overwhelmed.

If you think "this sounds amazing, but I'm still not 100% sure" 🤔 keep reading...

And if any of them sounds like the voice in your head then why not just try it? You’ve got a 7-day money-back guarantee that says you can!

1. You’re ready for something new- no tech fear is going to hold you back! 💪

It’s totally understandable to feel intimidated by new technology, I was! But you can be confident this course is designed with beginners in mind. We start from the basics and gradually build up your skills, providing clear and easy-to-follow instructions every step of the way. You’ll have the pre-recorded videos to reference any time you need a quick review, as well as the book.  Plus, you’ll have access to a supportive community where you can ask questions and receive guidance as you learn. Submit your question to the Q & A chats, and I’ll make time to answer you directly. And with the mindset teachings you’ll get a healthy dose of “I can do it” motivation that will help learning a new piece of tech exciting. Yup, I said it. 

2. You’re ready to invest in your creative journey and do your own thing! 💵

I hear you! You want to make sure you’re making a wise investment in your crafting journey. By enrolling in this course, you’re not just learning a new skill; you’re unlocking a world of creative possibilities and making crafting more fun. Whether you’re looking to create unique designs for personal projects or explore opportunities to monetize your craft creations, the skills you’ll gain from this course will give you the knowledge you need to craft projects that stand out. Why buy someone else’s designs when its so easy to make your own?!Plus, with our satisfaction guarantee, you can enroll with confidence knowing that if you’re not completely satisfied, you can receive a full refund, no questions asked.

3. You realize there’s no perfect time & waiting won’t get you to where you want to be. 

Your time is valuable,  and I’ve designed this course with flexibility in mind. The lessons are broken down into manageable chunks, allowing you to learn at your own pace and fit the coursework into your schedule as time allows. All the LIVE events will be available as replays in the course, so if you can’t make it just submit your questions ahead of time and then watch the replay for your answer! Additionally, the skills you’ll gain from mastering Procreate will ultimately save you time in your crafting process, making it a worthwhile investment of your time and effort! YAY!

Here's the deal-You can't learn if you don't try.

One of the things you’ll hear me say all the time is “try something new.” There’s an energy and a sense of bravery that we gift ourselves when we step out of our comfort zone. We feel good about ourselves. 💕

That’s why there’s nothing that thrills me more than to encourage people to create. And creating with Procreate and Cricut? That’s a whole new level of creative potential I can’t wait to help you achieve. 

But first, here’s the start of my story… five years ago I was in the Apple Store and I discovered Procreate. I had zero experience with digital art at the time. After a bit I was able to get my own iPad and the FIRST app I got was Procreate. 

At the same time I was exploring what was possible with my Cricut and it occurred to me one day (as I was looking for a specific shape) that it would be sooo easy to draw what I wanted. Like wouldn’t you think it should be easy? Not to spoil the ending- but it totally was!

It took maybe 5 minutes to upload it into Cricut Design Space and another 5 minutes later I was cutting my custom shape out of leather. When it was done, I held that piece of leather in my hand and I think my head exploded. 🤯😂 I may even have shed a tear.

And I realized that I went from an idea in my head to a finished product- in less than 15 minutes. And that sense of possiblity and wonder is what I’d LOVE to share with YOU. 

my signature

Here's a glimpse of what's waiting for YOU!

Imagine a playful, encouraging environment where no question is too basic. Where you’re challenged without being overwhelmed… and you’re not alone. 

There’s power in play. And finding playmates to come around you in community makes it even better. So in this Live Experience you’ll have the opportunity to attend live play dates, join in on our playground, and basically have a fantastically playful 5-week experience. I truly hope you’ll be there. -Jen

All while you master the basics of digital design for crafters in just 35 days. 

Sooo.... will you be joining us?

There is a place for you in our playgroup. 🥰 Enrollment is open and I’d love to play with you! 

Not ready? Let’s talk. Feel free to email me!

©WellCraftedStudio.com  |  TERMS & PRIVACY POLICY  

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