Welcome to the Engraving 3-Week Jewelry Challenge!

Do you have an engraving tool and either wondered what to do with it or felt too intimidated to try it? I’ve totally been there, and so has everyone in my Engraving Metals Facebook Group. Some of us have been able to push through the mental block though and really embrace what’s possible when you engrave with a Cricut Maker. Now it’s time to pay it forward, and for the next THREE weeks, we’ll be here to support, encourage and inspire you to engrave. If you’re not brand new to engraving, I want you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and try something that’s new to you.

Maybe that’s engraving through Infusible Ink, or engraving super small, or maybe it’s using different metals or mixing media.

To support you in this, I’ll be hosting a weekly Facebook Live in the Engraving Metals group that will kick off each week’s theme.

We’ll Also Provide During the Challenge:

  • Free Engraving Designs (Look under the Free Library>Engraving Designs>Engraving Challenge Freebies)
  • Support in the Engraving Metals Facebook Group Community so you can find answers to your questions and encouragement to keep going.
  • Weekly Kick-Off FB Live (Sundays)
  • Weekly FB Live Project Tutorials
  • Bonus Code for $5 off the Sale Price of the Engraving Metals with Your Cricut Maker E-book (the code is in a post on the FB page)

How You Participate in the Engraving Challenge

  1. It’s pretty simple, just post a photo of the project that you did that week that works with the engraving jewelry challenge of the week. If you’re running behind a week that’s totally fine. And add the hashtags #engravingjewelry and #engravingchallenge to your post.
  2. Watch the optional FB Lives. You can find them in the FB group under the Guide for the Engraving Jewelry Challenge.
  3. Comment on posts in the group. Whether it’s my posts, or other peoples posts, leave comments with encouragement and questions (if you have them).


The 3-Week Engraving Jewelry Challenge Schedule of Events!

Week One: Engraving Earrings and Rings (Saturday 1/22- Friday 1/28 )

  • Saturday 1/15 Facebook Live Kick-Off @ 11 AM ET SEE THE REPLAY IN THE GROUP
  • FB Live- 1/24 How to Make Infusible Ink Love Letter Earrings @ 2 PM ET SEE THE REPLAY IN THE GROUP
  • FB LIVE 1/27 How to Make Engraved ImpressArt Rings @ 5 PM ET SEE THE REPLAY IN THE GROUP

Week Two: Engraving Necklaces with Your Cricut Maker (Saturday 1/29- Friday 2/4 )

  • Sunday 1/30 Facebook Live Kick-Off @ 5 PM ET SEE THE REPLAY IN THE GROUP!

Week Three: Engraving Cuffs and Bracelets (Saturday 2/5- Friday 2/11 )

  • Sunday 2/6 Facebook Live Kick-Off @ 2 PM ET SEE THE REPLAY IN THE GROUP

Get this Valentine’s Candy Engraving Designs in the Free Library!

Find the Free Engraving Designs in the Free Library

To get you started, I have a Candy Heart Engraving Digital Kit that you’ll find in my Free Library. You can see it below. Basically, just pick and choose what you’d like to use on your blanks!

I also JUST added the Love Letters Engraving + Infusible Ink Earrings design to my Free Library too. Check the FB group for a tutorial on how to make these earrings on Tuesday!

Don’t Have the Password to the Free Library Yet?

You can sign up to get the password here! And if you are a subscriber already you’ll find the password at the bottom of every email I send.

Love this? Share it!

If you’re excited about this Engraving Jewelry Challenge and would like to share it PLEASE do so! That would be awesome because the more that participate the more inspiration for us all. AND the more we’ll all learn!

Thanks for Reading,

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